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Want to know where I stand on the issues important to our community?
Listen to my radio interview...
Preserve our local neighborhood caucus system in Utah.
Capitalism is the Answer
Does Education have Enough Money?
The Influence of Sanpete and Juab Counties
Electing Delegates to Represent You!
Come let your voice be heard!
State representatives should not outrank our local elected representatives.
State legislators should not tell school districts what they need to do.
Start managing from the bottom up...
Does government know what you need better than you do?
How can a Natural Asset Company infringe on my rights?
What is an ESG score?
Let your representative know what's important to you.
A lawmaker's job is not to control, but free the people and restrain the government.
When legislators' policies and procedures take away agency, it's time to throttle them back.
Politicians are supposed to protect our rights.
Politicians are supposed to protect our rights.
Elect good representation and hold them accountable.
We should trust our school boards.